How to Prevent Clogged Drains

London Plumbing Solutions
4 min readMay 25, 2023


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How to Prevent Clogged Drains | London Plumbing Solutions | Local Plumbers


Clogged drains can be a common issue that many people face, especially if you’re not aware of how many things can affect your plumbing systems.

Your drain lines carry water and waste from your home into the sewage system.

A clog can slow down this process or even cause drains to stop doing their job completely.

This is how backups can happen.

Clogged drains can be frustrating, but here at London Plumbing Solutions, we’re here to help.

If you’ve got a clogged drain you just can’t loosen up, we’ll do a video camera drain inspection to see what the issue is, perform a drain cleaning service near me, and get your pipes running smoothly once more.

Whether it’s a residential plumbing or a commercial plumbing clogged drain, we’ve got you covered.

And if you’ve got a clogged drain in the middle of the night that’s causing flooding or backups, no problem — just call our 24 hour emergency plumbing hotline and we’ll be there for you.

But of course, the best cure for a clogged drain is to make sure your drain doesn’t get clogged in the first place.

Here are some ways you can prevent your drains from getting clogged.

Keep Your Hair Out Of The Drain

This one may seem obvious, but many people forget to clear their hair after they shower or bathe.

This is a common cause of clogged drains and pipes.

A plunger doesn’t usually clear it either, since it can get clumped up in your drain, mixing with soap scum and dead skin cells.

Using a hair catcher with fine mesh will prevent this problem and help keep your drains clear.

Empty out the catcher once a week or so, and you won’t have to worry about your pipes getting backed up.

Don’t Pour Your Grease Down The Drain

We know how annoying it can be to deal with grease or oil.

You’ve cooked a wonderful meal for yourself and your family — or maybe a special someone — but what do you do with the oil that’s left over?

You might be tempted to just send it down the drain, but that’s a terrible idea.

In fact, greasy food and oil is one of the most common causes of clogged drains.

Even if you have a kitchen sink garbage disposal system, greasy food can still add to this issue.

This includes any cooking oils, butter, bacon grease, or other fats.

Don’t send this stuff down the drain, or you’ll be calling us soon enough.

Instead, keep a cooking grease collector near your cooking area.

You can get products for this purpose, but in my opinion a tin can you keep in the freezer will do just fine.

Why add more waste and spend more money?

Stop Tree Roots With Copper Sulphate | London Plumbing Solutions | Local Plumbers

Avoid Hard Water Mixing With Soap Scum

Some areas have hard water in their plumbing systems.

This isn’t so much an issue in London itself, but if you live outside the city it can be an issue.

Hard water can react with whatever soap you use, creating soap scum that’s slimy and sticky.

This stuff builds up inside your pipes, and sticks to hair, dead skin cells, food particles, or anything else that makes its way down your drain.

You can prevent this buildup by switching to liquid soaps and body washes.

Or, you can call London Plumbing Solutions — we’ll help you out with a water softener installation.

Stop Tree Roots With Copper Sulphate

It may seem surprising, but tree roots are a pretty common cause of clogged drains.

Tree roots seek out water sources in the ground, and condensation on the outside of your pipes is a great source.

If you need a leaky pipe repair all the greater, since tree roots can worm their way into the crack and make the leak larger.

Pouring half a cup of copper sulphate crystals in one of your toilets every few months can prevent this issue.

Keep in mind, if your drain already has started to slow down, this method may not work.

This is a purely preventative, not a solution to an existing problem.

Copper sulphate is absolutely safe to use and only gets rid of the roots in the drain.

It won’t hurt your trees.

Keep Your Drains Clean

Prevention is the name of the game.

Anything you do from the start, to prevent clogged drains, will be very helpful in the long run.

Getting a plumber to clean your drain lines, every year and half or so, will prevent more costly visits in the future.

Call London Plumbing Solutions Today

At London Plumbing Solutions, your satisfaction is our top priority.

We offer residential, commercial and emergency plumbing services in London Ontario.

If your drain pipes need cleaning beyond these tips, it’s important to reach out to a professional.

Don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any questions or want to learn more about our services.

Call London Plumbing Solutions today.

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